Project started: 01/07/2008 – closed: 31/12/2010
iTETRIS is a project funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Program), which started on July 2008 and will work until December 2010.
iTETRIS is aimed at producing the necessary building blocks and interfaces to conduct large-scale tests in open source integrated wireless and traffic emulation platforms to propose and optimize innovative V2V and V2I communication capabilities to improve road traffic management. Such type of evaluations cannot be carried out today with the required level of accuracy
iTETRIS integrates wireless communications and road traffic simulation platforms in one single environment that is easily tailored to specific situations allowing performance analysis of cooperative ITS at city level. Engineered for collaboration, it enables each stakeholder of a cooperative ITS project to benefit from functionalities exposed through open interfaces and to provide others with its own expertise. The accuracy and scale of the simulations leveraged by iTETRIS reveal the impact of traffic engineering on city road traffic efficiency, operational strategy, and communications interoperability. Therefore, quantifiable results of city level deployment and investment on cooperative ITS applications can be presented to road authorities.