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Posts Tagged: NPRP

Check out this video about our Flying RSU
18 February 2019

Check out this video about our Flying RSU

Flying Road Side Unit (RSU), a solution we have developed using #drones (UAV) to quickly deploy an RSU at locations that were not included in the initial deployment plan. A good RSUs network is important for enabling the V2X technology especially in the early deployment stages. Indeed, before reaching a good penetration of enabled vehicles […]

Testing and validation of our computer vision-based automated landing solution in the field
10 February 2019

Testing and validation of our computer vision-based automated landing solution in the field

As part of our NPRP project (NPRP9-257-1-056 – www.droneits.com), we have designed and implemented a solution for automating the landing of Drones (aka Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)) by using computer vision artificial intelligence. Our solution has been tested and validated in the field as shown in the below short video.